Sunday, September 7, 2008

True Stories!

True Stories: Adventures in Mothering!
(A New Section to the MOPS Newsletter)

On one particularly glorious afternoon early this summer I took the opportunity of an open schedule book to get in an extra workout at the YMCA. We ventured a little off course, and for excitement, went to a different YMCA location than we usually attend. I had no idea how grateful I would soon become for this anonymity.

I had wrapped up a truly satisfying, sweaty workout and was headed to the showers with a clean, fluffy towel. It was then I heard it, the dreaded Mommy page. I pulled one ear bud from my ear to hear the announcement as it was repeated and heard with dread, my name. I was being summoned to the kids stuff area. Oh. No.

I imagined that my daughter had peed and was standing there wet awaiting my arrival. Ladies, I cannot explain in a G rated newsletter the horror which awaited me that day. Minutes later, instead of basking in the hot rain of a good post workout shower, I found myself in a tiny bathroom, desperately trying to clean my daughter and her mess with chunks of shredding toilet paper (of-course I had brought no wipes!). Nearly in tears, I scooped up my stinky angel and wrapped her in my beautiful clean towel, heading for the showers with a pit stop at the desk to beg pity on a worker and score another clean towel. Not exactly the post workout shower I’d envisioned, but we both did manage to get cleaned up. Upon searching my bag for her clean clothes, I found a long t-shirt and underwear. No pants. It is simply not possible to remain inconspicuous and sneak quietly out of any building while being trailed by a howling, half naked preschooler still indignant from having to be rushed to the car w/ her Little Mermaid panties on display.

Once in the car I did what any Mom hoping to maintain her sanity would do…I speed dialed another MOPS mom friend and shared my story. These moments are best when shared with a friend who can help you laugh at yet another, Mommy Adventure.

(Author’s name withheld for sake of anonymity…if you have a “True Story Mommy adventure” to share, please email Your identity will only be released upon your approval!)

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