Sunday, September 7, 2008

September Prayer and Care

Prayer and Care:
MOPPPETS Infants/Creepers coordinator, Mary Gwinn, is recovering from an injury to her leg which has caused her to spend much time in the hospital and recovery. Please pray for her continued healing and that she will be able to join us at MOPS again soon!

Our Pregnant Moms:Jaycie Leistico & Dana Ringate (pls. let Toni Perrier know if you are expecting and not listed here so we can pray for you!).

New Babies:Welcome to the new moppets who will be joining us for the first time this year;
Jessie Ryan Smith was born July 28th at 10:58am. He was 8 lb. 8 oz. and was 20 ½ inches long! Jessie is our coordinator Kelly Smith’s 4th child.

Madaline Straka born on the fourth of July to mom. Courtney Straka.

1 comment:

aaeimom said...


GREAT JOB!!! And oh the stories I could tell. Let me know if you run out of adventures or if you need a good laugh!
